Reading Schedule

  • 3-1/2 year Torah cycle
  • 1 year Writings & Prophets
  • 1-year Gospels & Renewed Covenant Writings

Current content & readings

After 10 years of standard reading cycles, we’re trying something different.

Even as the Apostles unanimously decided: beyond faith in Messiah, all spiritual development & growth is to be grounded in, and guarded by the hearing, learning, and keeping of the ‘law of Moses’; the Torah.

Earnestly accepting that all Scripture is God-breathed, there has been a growing hunger to incorporate more of the books of the Bible… and to give quite a bit more time and space to the reading of the renewed covenant writings.   Most of this assembly had crossed over from mainstream christian teachings & belief, and have held on to The Messiah throughout, but, our children need to have The Rock as their foundation as well… thus, more reading about His life walking among us.